Google Cloud Architect Tutorial | How to Pass Google Professional Cloud Architect Exam


Learning Outcomes:

1. How to get started with google cloud platform and create a GCP free tier account

2. What are Global, regional and zonal resources

3.An overview of Google Cloud Console

4. Link for Google cloud SDK:

5. Link to gcloud CLI cheat sheet:

6. Link to Google Cloud APIs:

7. Link to Google cloud client libraries:

8. What is Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, and Google Kubernetes Engine

Link to Google App Engine Docs:

9. What are Google Cloud Functions

10. Google cloud storage, persistent disks, firestore

11. Google database services

12. Virtual Private Cloud and Load balancing in Google Cloud

13. Google Cloud's Machine Learning and Data Analysis Services

14. How to create a virtual machine instance in google compute engine

Link to Google App Engine Docs:

15. Machine types in google compute engine

16. What are instance groups in google compute engine

17. What are preemptible VMs

18. What are instance templates in Compute Engine

19. What is cloud storage in google cloud

20. How to create a bucket in google cloud storage

21. What are persistent disks and local SSDs

22. Storage for mobile application - Firebase

23. What is virtual private cloud and virtual private network

24. How to create a VPC network in google cloud networking

25. What is shared VPC

26. What is Network Peering

Youtube video Link..

Happy Google Clouding!!!!


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